OK, so it's been awhile since my last post. Had to document the drama that happened on Wednesday this week (2/11/09). Every Wednesday, my mom takes care of Nathan in the afternoon for me. Every-other-week I work a full day, and the opposite weeks I volunteer in Matthew's classroom to help the kids with individualized spelling tests. She comes to the house and waits for the bus to drop him off at 11:30, then takes him home with her. Well, on this particular day, I'm sitting in the hallway with one of Matthew's class mates at
1:30, when my cell phone rings. Are you ready for this? It's my mom, who informs me that she FORGOT to pick up Nathan!!! So, 2 hours after the bus drops him off, I'm panicking wondering where in the heck he is, is he okay, etc. Talk about the adrenaline kicking in! Jeez. I quickly explained what was going on to Matthew's teacher, then got the heck home, well exceeding the speed limit the entire way -- and essentially screaming in the car (out of grief for what he might be going through). There sat poor Nathan on the porch, with tears in his eyes. He had gone to the Moss' house, which is what I told him to do in this situation, but nobody was home. So he sat on the porch for 2 full hours. Can you imagine what that feels like to a 5-year-old? And the poor kid peed in his pants. 2 hours is an ETERNITY for a kid that age. I just know God sent an angel to watch over him, and I thank God that Nathan had enough sense to stay put and not wander off.
Oh My goodness -- was I angry at my mother -- and at myself for not calling to remind her. I usually call if there is a schedule change, but on a "normal" Wednesday, I usually didn't. She did come over (and actually got pulled over for speeding on the way), and was so distraught. I had gotten Nathan cleaned up and given him his lunch by then, and she just stood there sobbing and apologizing over and over. I finally had to tell her to please get some control, because she was scaring him worse than what he was to begin with. I love my mom, and she helps me a lot. I honestly don't know what I would do without her help. I'm sure I'd be fine, but my life would definitely be more difficult without her. But on that Wednesday afternoon, I really really had all I could do to keep things under control. I did it for Nathan's sake more than anything.
So, where do we go from here? Mom begged "Please don't fire me! We love having him every week!" Believe you me, I was already making alternate plans in my mind as to how I could manage my schedule without having to rely on mom. But, in the end, I cannot do that to her, or to dad, or to Nathan. So I'm not "firing" her. BUT, I have told her that I will call her every Wednesday at 11:00, and if I don't get an answer, I will go home. I'm sure she'll never forget him again -- but I need to give him a safety net.
As far as Nathan goes, he seems fine. He really didn't talk about it much, and I didn't want to push him. I just tried to let him know that it will NEVER happen again, and he doesn't need to be afraid of riding the bus home. He is a trooper. The only comment he really made was during breakfast on Thursday, when he said "Mommy, I cried because I wanted you to come home!" My heart just broke. I cannot express how this whole episode has broken my heart. But if you're a mom, you know.